What took you so
long?! Endless days and nights passed by without you by my side, causing me to feel frustrated and lonely. One thing I did know was that you'd be a very special man. Someone that I could build a life with and who'd be a great father to our children. I'm blessed to have you in my life. Before we get married though, there are some things I want you to know...
I’m sensitive but strong. I don’t need you in my life, I want you in it. I want you to support me in my times of need because that's when I feel most alone. Thing is, I tend to act OK, even when I’m not. Please double-check that I’m indeed OK. Also, I'm not a “man-hater”. The reason I remain closed-up is because I've been hurt a
lot by men. To protect myself, I keep such tall walls up that sometimes I think even the strongest men won’t be able to take them down.
If you can’t, I understand but at least try. It might take me time to open up to you but with your love and patience, it'll happen.
I’m intense but sweet.
I won’t be dramatic, if you don’t
give me a reason to behave dramatically. Basically, don’t be a jerk and don't play games. If you disrespect me, take advantage of my kindness, or betray me, I won’t take it well. Most of all,
never ever tell me to stop being emotional. I’m emotional, compassionate and
caring. My emotions are what enable me to connect with people and is the reason
people come to me for consolation. Besides, I want to be a psychologist, which
is all about dealing with emotions!
I’m a planner but also an
adventurer. I believe in the importance of
having goals but I also like to leave room for exploration. However, it’s very important that you and I find a balance between hard work and enjoying ourselves. What's a life with no fun? And what's a life with no hard work? I dream of
traveling and meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures (how about it?). But as I’m a future-oriented person, I tend to plan ahead, which means we’d probably have to plan out our vacations (and everything else) carefully. If you’re spontaneous that’s OK too but please understand that I'm more into preparation than improvisation. You should see what I carry in my purse/bag!
I’m straightforward but genuine. My straightforwardness is another form of expressing my openness and sincerity. That is, I say what I mean and I mean what I
say, while remaining respectful. In some cultures
(such as the Western Culture I live in), it’s not so acceptable to be
straightforward. People here tend to sugar-coat things but please don’t do it. Yes, if I look bad in a dress, tell me so in a nice way. Why
would you have me go out in public looking like a fool? Oh and if I comment on things such as your eating habits and exercise habits, don’t get offended. It’s just
my way of expressing my love and care for you. I will help you realize your full potential as a man. Never forget that I’ll be your rock in your times of need and your cheerleader in times of success.
I’m a giving person but please
reciprocate. By this I don’t mean that every time
I do something for you, you owe me. Instead, what I’m saying is that what we
have is a partnership. In order for it to work, we must both help each other
achieve our goals. So don’t expect me to sacrifice my dreams and relationships just so you can live your life. Remember, I have emotional, physical and sexual needs too. I’m here to support you and you should be there
to support me.
Be patient with me. I’m an anxious person and if I annoy you a lot, I’m sorry! I hate
being annoying and I get way more anxious when people lose their patience with
me. I’m also a perfectionist and when things aren’t a certain way, I might “overreact”. Further, I’m a pessimist. It’s
not that I don’t think good exists. I do but my pessimism, among other things, is due to all the blows that I've received in life and all those people who've let me down. Plus, watching
crime shows/documentaries, reminds me of the evil that exists but I love them! Nevertheless, I try to make the
world a better place in my own little ways. I believe that we’re all brought on
this earth for a reason and it’s our duty to maximize our potential. I also believe
that we are designed to fall in love…