It is important to understand that you cannot change the behavior of others, without the person's will to do so. In other words, if you thought of changing him, don't even bother, unless he acknowledges that he needs to change. Now that we got that out of the way, let's return to the question of how to stop attracting players...
1) When you are first getting to know a guy that is a potential date, be sure to ask him what he is looking for in a partner. Now, this does not need to be awkward if you don't make it awkward. Just ask him straight up if he is looking for something strictly casual (sex only), casual dating (non-committed dating) or marriage. Based on this answer alone, you can already know to swipe left or right. This is an important question to ask because it can keep you from hooking up with guys who you thought were gonna want a relationship but actually just want to sleep with you.
2) Be careful with how you present yourself to guys when you first get to know them. While you should always be yourself, be careful about the things you tell him. Perhaps sexting with a cute stranger you just met is not a great idea. Given the way the male brain is designed, while us women might only intend to flirt by sending sexy messages, men can interpret it as an invitation to sex. If you are only looking to have sex then that's fine but if you are looking for something more, make him earn those sexy messages, with good behavior ;) Players look out for women who they can get in bed quickly, so if you are sending sexy messages right away and presenting yourself as easy, even though it is not the case, players will flock around you and you don't want that....
3) Know your boundaries and stick to them. If a guy disrespects your boundaries, move on, he is not worth it. Guys must know that you respect yourself and that you expect them to respect you, or else, you are giving an opening for these players to come into your life, get what they want from you (sex) and leave you once they got it once they are ready to move on. Don't let his sweet charms and good looks fool you, he is just playing you to get what HE wants and this may not be what you want!
In following these simple steps CONSISTENTLY you can make a huge difference in your dating life. A key ingredient to a healthy relationship is communication. Tell him what your expectations are and stick to your values. It's only you who decides what you deserve!
Wow! These steps are simple, but really true. Honestly, I totally agree. I think everything is in communication. Guys and girls think differently. Us girls may have certain intentions which can be interpreted VERY differently;) the key: clear communication!!!
Thanks for your comment Mimi! Absolutely, communication is key.
i really think the key to all is communication period...
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