It seems that people only want to hear about the positive side of love. People don’t want to hear about the hardships and struggles. I get more of a positive reaction when I write about lovey-dovey things than the nitty-gritty side of love. I don’t write to impress. I don’t write to be popular. I don’t write for the likes and shares (although getting them is nice). I write to help make some sense of all the thoughts running through my head. It’s also my outlet for expressing my emotions in a healthy and artistic way. Aside from the benefits to me, I hope that my writing can help others going through some of the same things I go through.
I’m open about my experiences with love. People can judge me for being this open but people’s opinions won’t stop me from writing. I speak about the trials and tribulations of love. I’m proud of myself that I have the courage to say things that people avoid addressing. The truth sometimes hurts but avoiding it is way more damaging in the long run. Writing is my way of working through my pain. It is the voice of my heart. My writing helps me in my self-growth and motivates me to do better for myself.
My experiences won’t be the same as everyone else’s. But they are my experiences and people don’t get to undermine them. People don’t get to tell me how I should write. I write from the heart and that’s my style. I’m a realist and I stay away from the superficial “love is perfect” illusion that so many people seem to be engulfed in. I seek to understand my past and current situation when it comes to love so that I can be in a better place. My past shaped me in many ways and taught me a lot about myself and what I must improve on. I’m on a journey of self-discovery and my writing is my guide.
beautiful words
Thank you!! Please keep reading my posts.
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