Saturday, December 24, 2016

On Compromise

Compromise is key to a healthy relationship but that doesn't mean compromising your values and all your expectations away. It's important to strike a balance between compromising and sticking by your values and most highly held expectations.

When two people have different desires and needs, compromise is needed. For example, your partner might want to have sex more often, while you want him/her to make more time for you. Instead of arguing over this, the two of you should consider giving to your partner what he/she needs, in order to in turn have your own needs met. After all, like you, your partner has expectations and unless you can find a way to fulfill both of your needs, your relationship isn't likely to succeed.

Sometimes you'll have to compromise to keep both you and your partner happy. Compromise is give and take; you give something to your partner, in order to get something from him/her in return. It gets difficult at times, as it requires going out of our your way to find some middle ground with someone. However, it's worth it in the long run, with the right person and as long as it doesn't require you to give up what's most important to you.

Compromising with limits is necessary in a relationship, as it allows you to take care of your partner's needs, while staying true to who you are.

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