Sunday, May 7, 2017

Lessons On Love

From every lesson I grow.
I have my high points and my low.
Whatever love brings my way,
I know I'll be okay.
I stand tall,
having been through it all:
challenges that are big and small.

I learned to let my heart do the feeling
and my head the thinking.
Not the reverse
or things will become worse and worse.
Not to give my heart to someone who doesn't deserve it.
But to give a chance to someone who seems fit.

I learned that no expectations
means no frustrations.
I can control my reactions
but not others' actions.
I try to be happy
and not let others make me angry.
Happiness can only be found within me
and not externally.

I learned that love is no fantasy.
It's important to stay grounded in reality.
Living in a love bubble
will only lead to trouble.
I should see in my man the best,
while remembering that what I see is what I get.
I can't change him... I must not forget!
I can work on me
and on me only.

I learned that happiness is perception.
It's something I must work on, no question.
Love is hard and unpredictable
but my belief in it is unshakable.
While love is something I fear,
I know I must persevere.

Although love didn't always last,
the past is the past.
I must not jump into things too fast.
And take things at my pace
because finding a husband is no race!

Love is pain
but there's so much to gain.
I must find happiness outside of love
and put my fate in the above.
Love exists, it's just hard to find
because it's one of a kind!

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