Friday, July 7, 2017

Dear Diary (Week 8),

Love is elusive, an image we create. Even if all our expectations on paper are met, we aren't necessarily pleased with the real life version. Love appears in our life and is so fragile that it can leave us at any moment. Love is a difficult concept to grasp.

Some say love is fate. Unplanned circumstances will lead us to our one true love. I believe in fate but i also think we must take certain steps to meet that fate. Question is, what steps do I take to meet the one? I've tried going out, mingling, dating apps, etc. And I still haven't found him.

Love can't be bought or borrowed. Love is just supposed to happen. Meanwhile, all we can do is wait or search in places not knowing for sure that we're searching in the right places. While there are things we must do to make love last, sometimes people just fall out of love, for no particular reason. How scary!

There's no logic to love. Generally, specific actions lead to specific outcomes but love has no such formula. While love is different for different couples and even science can't fully explain this concept, one knows when they're experiencing it.


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